Chickadee Wisdom Counseling & Consulting, owned by Ginger Goes Ahead, M.Ed, LCPC, LAC, DEIS, EMDRPT-II. Ginger is a licensed school, mental health, and addiction counselor specializing in culturally diverse populations, crisis intervention and trauma. Ginger has over 20 years of experience working with the individual needs of children, youth, and teens; including adults living with the challenges of addiction and mental health. Ginger provides substance use and mental health evaluations; as well as, couples, family and individual counseling.
Crystal Castillo, MS, PCLC, ACLC, EMDRPT-II is a passionate and empathetic counselor who is motivated at helping clients reach their goals, find deeper insight, and develop coping skills to help them achieve the well being they desire. Crystal is a bilingual (Spanish), dually licensed mental health and addictions counselor with experienced in trauma, domestic violence, and culturally diverse populations. Crystal is open to working with all ages, genders, or spiritual/religious ideologies. Crystal can take BCBS, Pacific Source, Mountain Health Co-Op and self pay clients.
Crystal Castillo, MS, PCLC, ACLC, EMDRPT-II es una consejera apasionada y empática que está motivada por ayudar a los clientes a alcanzar sus objetivos, encontrar una visión más profunda y desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento para ayudarlos a lograr el bienestar que desean. Crystal es una consejera bilingüe (español), con doble licencia en salud mental y adicciones, con experiencia en trauma, violencia doméstica y poblaciones culturalmente diversas. Crystal está abierta a trabajar con todas las edades, géneros o ideologías espirituales/religiosas. Crystal puede aceptar BCBS, Pacific Source, Mountain Health Co-Op y clientes que pagan por cuenta propia.
Ginger Goes Ahead and Crystal Castillo
Mental Health, Addiction and Trauma Counselors